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Sivel Curtis
over 30 days ago to Sivel Curtis


10. They laugh at you as you see the elevator door closing from the other side.

9. They see you waiting for there parking spot and they pretend to be busy adjusting there mirrors when you know the're just trying to piss you off.

8. You go through ten minutes of explaining why global warming is not a threat to our planet and then they ask you what is global warming.

7. You tell your girlfriend that she is the only one in your life and as your telling her you see another man running out the door.

6. The door man greets you with a smile and says "good morning Bob" and your name is Tony.

5. You finally meet the girl of your dreams and then you find out she's really a nightmare.

4. You tell the guy with the squeegee no and he pretends he can't hear you cause you got your window closed.

3. You ask someone for directions and they look both ways as they explain to you how to get there.

2. The Yankees look like they'll win this one and Arod throws the ball into the stands and the other team scores the winning run.

1. You spend time on myspace writting this blog and nobody will read it.

Sivel Curtis
over 30 days ago to Sivel Curtis

Tom, download these and send them to you know who..

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Clean Clean

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